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Hospices de Beaune

Hospices de Beaune grand cru Mazis Chambertin by Albert Bichot awarded best wine in the world at the International Wine Challenge 2018

IWC-Mazis-Chambertin-2016---Champion-Red-of-the-Year-2018Bonjour chers amis !

I am very pleased to share with you this great news.
After the award of world’s best white wine last year with our Criots-Bâtard-Montrachet 2014, Albert Bichot shines once again at the International Wine Challenge with the « Champion Red » Trophy with a grand cru from the Hospices de Beaune estate: Mazis-Chambertin Madeleine Collignon, in the 2016 vintage. Discover this wine in detail
This wine was bought by Albert Bichot at the 2016 Hospices auction and then carefully aged in our Beaune cellars with all the wines from this prestigious and singular estate. Each year, we buy around 100 barrels and 35 different wines, making us the proud #1 buyer for the last 20 years.
As a testimony to make the Hospices de Beaune always more accessible, our dedicated website by Albert Bichot will celebrate it’s 10th anniversary this year, for a very promising 2018 vintage.
We invite you to watch our brand new movie L’Expérience Hospices de Beaune by Albert Bichot to have a behind the scenes look at last year’s auction on

Register for the next auction on the 18th of November 2018s

Vidéo : Albert Bichot buys the 2 presidential barrels with Chinese friend Mr Leung – Hospices de Beaune 2017

The 2 presidential barrels - Hospices de Beaune 2017 - crédit : Jerome Baudouin
The 2 presidential barrels – Hospices de Beaune 2017 – crédit : Jerome Baudouin

Albert Bichot buys the 2 barrels of Presidential Barrel at the 157th Hospices de Beaune auction in Novembre 2017

The 157th Hospices auctionAlbert Bichot, the history of a great Maison, in Burgundy since 1831 took place on the 19th of November. Albéric Bichot from family-owned house Albert Bichot bought the 2 Pièces du Président for his Chinese customer and friend Mr Leung for 420 000 Euros. This is the 2d record for the “Pièce de Charité” after the 480 000 Euros reached at the 2015 auction.
The 2017 Hospices de Beaune auction was helped by the support of  Charles Aznavour, Agnès b., Julie Depardieu et Marc-Olivier Fogiel.
The profit raised for the 2 barrels of Corton Grand Cru Clos du Roi will benefit 3 charities : Fondation Tara Expéditions Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau and Fondation for research on Alzheimer.

Albéric Bichot - Mr Leung - Charles Aznavour Hospices de Beaune 2017 - Photo : Jérome Baudouin
Albéric Bichot – Mr Leung – Charles Aznavour Hospices de Beaune 2017 – Photo : Jérome Baudouin

This is the 6th time in 15 years that maison Albert Bichot buys the Presidential barrel at the auction, a sure proof that beyond our technical expertise in selecting and ageing the Hospices de Beaune wines, we have a very strong and unique connexion  with this outstanding wine estate and the charity spirit behind it since its foudation by Nicolas Rollin and Guigone de Salins in 1443.

Video : From the Hôtel-Dieu to the 2017 Hospices de Beaune wine auction…5 centuries of history

We invite you to watch this great video made by auction house Christies, who is behind the hammer since 2005 for every auction of the Hospices de Beaune estate, taking place on the 3d Sunday of November every year. This video includes a testimonial from Alberic Bichot and how, as the #1 buyer at the auction for the last 20 years, we allow to buy those outstanding Burgundy wines en primeur from just one bottle or a full barrel (288 bottles).

The Hospices de Beaune were created more than 550 years ago to provide care for the sick and shelter for the destitute. Thanks to generous benefactors, the Hospices today oversee a domaine of 61 hectares of mostly First and Great Growths. The domaine has become one of the most prestigious in Burgundy, a region whose Climats were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015.

For over a century, the historic Hospices de Beaune wine sale has given collectors the opportunity to discover exceptional red and white wines, including Beaune, Meursault, Échezeaux and Mazis-Chambertin. This year, 50 cuvées (wines) will be offered, with something to suit every taste and budget.

All proceeds from the sale benefit medical treatments at the Hospices de Beaune, and the maintenance of its historic listed buildings.

This year, the 157th Hospices de Beaune wine sale will take place on 19 November 2017, and represents a chance to acquire exceptional wines, to be part of a wonderful heritage, and to help the new hospital to offer its patients the best possible care.

Video: Interview of Ludivine Griveau, Hospices estate winemaker about the 2017 vintage, 2 months before the wine auction

An intense and shining vintage, generous at last

Jean-David CAMUS from by Albert Bichot interviews  Hospices de Beaune winemaker Ludivine GRIVEAU about the 2017 vintage at the Hospices estate.

  • A very early vintage, with the start of the vegetative cycle early April.
  • End of April : severe frost damage many French wine regions. Fortunately Burgundy (except in Chablis) is not hit by frost, a
    very good thing for the winegrowers after several difficult years of low yields.
  • May : generous and fast bud burst. The vines are very productive, as if they wanted to get some revenge after the previous
    years and show their best.
  • Pinot Noir flowering takes place in perfect conditions in a few sunny days. More delicate flowering for Chardonnay, with
    alternate days of rain and sun. Some coulure (partial fruit set) will impact future yields.
  • A classic Burgundian summer, with some very hot days at the end of June and July. August is sometimes milder, with some
    beneficial days of rain. Ludivine Griveau makes sure quality and yields do not go too high, with some green harvest or
    disbudding where and when necessary. Keeping a good concentration is the final objective to reach top quality.
  • Harvest start a 100 days after flowering: 27th of August for the first Chardonnay in Pouilly-Fuissé (Maconnais) and on the 1st of
    September for the Côte de Beaune vineyards. Pinot Noir start to be harvested on the 2d of September for Côte de Beaune,
    then Côte de Nuits Vineyard. Last grapes are brought in at the winery on the 21st of September. Yields in red are around 42 hl /
    ha. In white, they’re only just above those of 2016 and remain limited. 2017 is the most productive vintage since 2009 though.
  • Vinification : Ludivine talks about wines with a ”placid strength”, with some initial restraint character that require some long
    vatting (18 to 19 days in red) and a stronger than usual press level to extract the whites’ potential.
  • Globally, Ludivine thinks the wines are superb, with great colours, very silky tannins. Nice natural degrees between 12.8 and
    13.2. Great balance sugar / acids. A very nice and promising combination of elegance and power.

Harvest vintage 2017 au Domaine des Hospices : a few pictures

Harvest at the Hospices de Beaune estate took place between the 28th of August for the Pouilly Fuissé and the 21st of September for the last grapes of Pinot Noir. 2017 is both generous is quantity and quality, as these few pictures testify. Find back on our website in a few days a full interview of winemaker Ludivine Griveau about the 2017 vintage at the Hospices de Beaune estate.

Tasting the 48 wines (cuvees) from Hospices de Beaune estate 2015 vintage at the winery with winemaker Ludivine Griveau

CyrilleAlain_DSC6654Every year, the Albert Bichot team goes to the Hospice de Beaune winery to taste several times the full range of 48 cuvées (wines) that will be on auction on the 3d sunday of November.

Alain Serveau (chief winemaker) and Cyrille Jacquelin (winemaker) and Jean-David Camus from will carefully assess each wine, see its potential and evolution in its very first ageing stage. This will allow us to make solid recommendations for our customers who want to buy with us at the Hospices auction, either a full barrel of 288 bottles or a more modest (but not less interesting) purchase of a minimum of 3 bottles within a selection of 5 wines.

At the end of the interview and meeting with winemaker Ludivine Griveau, Jean-David Camus asks a very tricky question : describing the Hospices de Beaune 2015 vintage in just a few words. Here is the general feeling : 
red wines : density, fresh fruit, concentration and pleasure
white wines : précision, aromatic presence, length

The number of barrels on auction is not known yet but should be close to the 2014 vintage (575 barrels : 117 white and 458 reds), making the 2015 vintage a rare and definitely interesting harvest!


Hospices de Beaune 2015 vintage first presentation by Ludivine Griveau winemaker

Ludivine Griveau_Domaine Hospices de Beaune
Ludivine Griveau, régisseur du Domaine des Hospices de Beaune depuis le millésime 2015

10th of September 2015, Jean-David Camus from by Albert Bichot interviews Ludivine Griveau, the new winemaker from Domaine des Hospices since January 2015. She explains with great commitment her arrival and replacement of Roland Masse, now retired, the specificities of the Hospices estate and its numerous plots in Burgundy’s best plots. She also gives her very first impressions of the 2015 vintage, as the last grapes have just arrived at the winery.

Harvest at the Hospices de Beaune estate took place between the 2d and 10 of September.

2015 vintage in Burgundy: here we go!

millesime-2015-bourgogneHarvest 2015 started under the sun at the Hospices de Beaune estate as at many other Domaines in Burgundy, not to mention of course at Maison Albert Bichot.

Here is what the Burgundy Wine Board said a few days ago :

“The grape harvest in the Bourgogne winegrowing region is in full swing, and our winemakers are welcoming this new vintage with a big smile. Every indicator is positive – the grapes are at optimum maturity and in excellent health, and winemakers are confidently talking about an extremely good year. The only shadow over proceedings is the hail that hit the north of the region on 1 September, causing localized damage.

A sunny year with excellent quality

After early flowering and a very hot and dry summer, with episodes of welcome rainfall in August, the harvest began at the end of August in the southern part of the Bourgogne winegrowing region. Winegrowers are very happy with the condition of the fruit that has already been picked or is waiting its turn to be brought in.
The fine weather held any threat of disease at bay, allowing each winemaker to choose a harvest date when their grapes reach optimum maturity.

Even though the lack of rain this year has had some consequences in terms of yields, the Bourgogne winegrowing region has really enjoyed an outstanding season.

However, the winemakers of Chablis, Irancy and Saint-Bris were hit by a hailstorm on 1 September. The episode caused major concern, but the damage is limited. The storm followed a straight line, sparing the majority of plots. Those vines that were hit by hail could be picked immediately as the grapes were ripe. A return to cooler, dryer weather also helps prevent any deterioration in the health of the grapes or the quality of the fruit.”

The 2015 vintage promises to be a magnificent one right across the Bourgogne winegrowing region.