Historical record for the 60th Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges wine auction - Albert Bichot is #1 buyer
A new record at the Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges wine auction in Burgundy : almost M€ 2 raised for the 2020 vintage sale

The 60th Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges wine auction which took place on the 14th of March 2021 at the Château du Clos de Vougeot broke a new historical record with a result of €1,923,000.
While the number of barrels was lower than last year (114 barrels versus 122), sales increased by 19%.
Another record was broken for the charity barrel that raised €49,380 for the Institut Pasteur, represented by writer and Academician Erik Orsenna.
Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges vintage 2020 auction results in detail:
- Red wines : 1 869 000 euros (+17, 51 %). Average barrel price: 16 687,50 euros (+26,95 %)
- White wines : 54 000 euros (+125 %). Average barrel price : 27 000 euros (+67,75 %)
- Charity barre : 49 380 euros for Institut Pasteur.
Albert Bichot : number 1 buyer at the Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges auction 2020 with 18 barrels
With a total of 18 barrels for 325 000 € (17% of total value), our house Albert Bichot is the number 1 buyer of these exceptional wine auction, thanks to the trust and fidelity of many wine buyers and wine lovers from all over the worlds. It will be a great honor to age all the Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges wine bought in our cellars with utmost care.
Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges 2020 charity barrel - sold for the record price of 49 380 Euros for Institut Pasteur

Domaine des Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges wines that were for sale at the auction

- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES MURGERS Cuvée Guyard de Changey
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES CORVEES PAGETS Cuvée St Laurent
- Nuits-Saint-Georges LES MALADIERES LES BRULEES Cuvée Grangier
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES PORETS Cuvée Antide Midan
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES BOUDOTS Cuvée Mesny de Boisseaux
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES DIDIERS Cuvée Fagon
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES VIGNERONDES Cuvée Bernarde Delesclache
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES RUES DE CHAUX Cuvée Camille Rodier
- Nuits-Saint-Georges LES LAVIERES - LES BAS DE COMBE Cuvée Guillaume Labye
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES SAINT GEORGES - LES SIRES DE VERGY Cuvée Georges Faiveley
- Gevrey Chambertin LES CHAMPS CHENYS Cuvée Irène Noblet
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES TERRES BLANCHES Cuvée Pierre de Pême
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES DIDIERS Cuvée Cabet
- Nuits-Saint-Georges LES SAINT JULIEN - LES PLATEAUX Cuvée Claude Poyen
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES SAINT GEORGES Cuvée des Sires de Vergy
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES DIDIERS Cuvée Jacques Duret
- Nuits-Saint-Georges LES FLEURIERES - LES PLANTES AU BARON Cuvée des Sœurs Hospitalières
- Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru LES TERRES BLANCHES Cuvée St Bernard de Citeaux
The 61st Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges wine auction will take place in March 2022 for the 2021 vintage