Terms and Conditions
Last update: September 30, 2024.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are concluded between
- the seller, SARL Maison Albert, SARL au capital de 5 000 000 Euros - RCS Dijon 306906728, whose registered office is 6 bis Bd Jacques Copeau 21 200 BEAUNE, France
- and on the other hand any natural person who has reached the minimum legal age required to purchase alcohol, or legal entity wishing to make a purchase via the site www.hospices-beaune.com on the online store at https://boutique.hospices-beaune.com/, hereinafter referred to as, the Buyer or Customer.
Our general sales conditions (GSC) distinguish between:
1/ wines sold that are in stock (immediately available), the terms of which are specified below.
2/ wines from the 2024 vintage sold en primeur: wines from Hospices de Beaune, wines from Hospices de Nuits-Saint-Georges and some Albert Bichot wines. These wines are subject to specific and derogatory conditions of sale due to the very fact that they are sold en primeur (as futures)
Terms and Conditions for the sale of primeur wines
By ordering these wines from our online store, you accept without reservation the general terms and conditions of sale found on this page https://www.hospices-beaune.com/en/terms-conditions and specifically the shipping costs, the complete terms of which are indicated on this page: http://hospices-beaune.com/shipping As a reminder, these shipping costs are as follows, for shipment in autumn 2026.

Hospices de Beaune wines en primeur, vintage 2024
Albert Bichot wines en primeur, vintage 2024
Delivery charges and terms and conditions for wines in stock (excluding all wines sold en primeur)
In accordance with Articles L3342-1and L3353-3 of the French Public Health Code, the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited. Consequently, only persons who have reached the age of eighteen (18) on the date they wish to order from the www.hospices-beaune.com website may actually make an online purchase from this site. ALCOHOL ABUSE IS DANGEROUS FOR YOUR HEALTH. CONSUME WITH MODERATION.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale set out the rules applicable to the sale of products distributed by Albert Bichot, presented and offered for sale remotely on its website, www.hospices-beaune.com and online store https://boutique.hospices-beaune.com/
They constitute the entirety of the rights and obligations of the parties, and no other condition may be incorporated into them. They will apply for the duration of the online availability of the products distributed by Albert Bichot.
The Customer who wishes to purchase the products presented on this online store must obligatorily:
- fill in the online order form by clicking on the selected product(s) and complying with the predefined quantities
- follow the order and validation steps displayed on the screen: by clicking on the "place order" button when the "My basket" page is displayed
- fill in the identification form with the requested contact details and any other data required for delivery of the products ordered, or enter the code and password they already have, and select the chosen method of payment
- accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by ticking the appropriate box. No order can be placed without full and unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. By ticking this box, the Purchaser acknowledges that he/she is fully aware of these terms and of the minimum legal age required above, and waives the right to invoke any other conditions
- confirm his/her order after checking it
Albert Bichot will acknowledge receipt of the order to the Customer by displaying a confirmation message containing the order number and simultaneously sending an e-mail containing this information. Orders placed on the www.hospices-beaune.com website are binding on the Customer as of the last validation of the order and confirmation by Albert Bichot of its registration, this confirmation being in effect a signature and acceptance of the terms of the commercial transaction carried out and contractually binding the Customer and Albert Bichot. However, Albert Bichot reserves the right to refuse any abnormally high order and to cancel any order that does not include all the information required for delivery of the products. In all cases, Albert Bichot will inform the Customer.
The products are those listed in the virtual catalog published on the www.hospices-beaune.com website. These products are offered while stocks last. In the event of stock shortage, Albert Bichot will notify the customer promptly and the order will be refunded. The prices in euros shown on the site are inclusive of VAT applicable on the day the order is placed. Any change in the rate may be reflected in the price of the products. Albert Bichot reserves the right to modify its prices at any time and without notice, it being understood, however, that the price shown in the catalog on the day the order is placed will be the only price applicable to the Buyer. Prices are established in compliance with the provisions of articles L410-1 et seq. of the French Commercial Code. The prices indicated in this catalog do not include shipping costs, which are indicated elsewhere on the https://hospices-beaune.com/livraison/
Payment terms
The price is due at the time the order is placed. Payment will be made in euros according to the method determined by the Buyer at the time of ordering:
- by credit card (Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard and MasterCard only) by entering its number and expiry date : payment will then be made via the secure e-transactions Crédit Agricole system, which uses the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, so that the information transmitted is encrypted by software and no third party can gain knowledge of it during transport on the network. Albert Bichot itself will only receive payment authorization, positive or negative, from the bank, with all banking data transiting only through e-transactions Crédit Agricole.
- by bank or postal cheque made payable to Maison Albert Bichot, indicating the order number on the back of the cheque and accompanied by the order summary. All payments must be sent to Albert Bichot, for the attention of Karen Balloux, 6 bis boulevard Jacques Copeau, 21 200 Beaune. The order will be dispatched on receipt of the cheque. The Buyer's account will only be debited with the amount of the products ordered when they are dispatched. An invoice showing VAT will be systematically sent to the Buyer by email.
- By bank transfer. Our bank details are indicated on the site at the time of order confirmation. The order will only be definitively validated upon receipt of the funds by our bank.
Orders are executable within twenty working days of order confirmation on the www.hospices-beaune.com website, barring technical unavailability. Any event beyond the control of Albert Bichot, such as mobilization, war, strike, epidemic, cataclysm, fire, shortage of means of transport, cold wave or any other similar event, shall automatically suspend the execution of orders and release Albert Bichot from all liability and any damages whatsoever for non-execution of the order. In the event of unavailability, Albert Bichot undertakes to reimburse the customer within fourteen days of cancellation of the order. Beyond this period, the sum paid by the consumer is automatically increased by 10% if reimbursement is made no later than thirty days beyond this term, by 20% up to sixty days and by 50% thereafter, in accordance with the provisions of article L 138-3 of the French Consumer Code.
Delivery costs to other countries than France are indicated on the page https://hospices-beaune.com/shipping Please contact us before ordering for delivery to other countries or outside mainland France.
For all deliveries in mainland France of wines in stock (i.e. excluding wines sold en primeur), shipping costs are free for orders of 180 Euros or more including VAT. Below this amount, delivery costs in mainland France are a flat rate of 40 Euros including VAT. These rates are valid for shipment in 2024 and will be revised in 2025.
You can also pick up your order in Beaune, free of charge or discount, by appointment.
Delivery means the delivery of the goods by the Seller to the Buyer, which occurs as soon as the said goods are handed over by the carrier to the Buyer or to a third party designated by the Buyer. Delivery is made to the address indicated on the order form, which can only be located within the geographical area defined below. It is the Buyer's responsibility to check the contents of the package at the time of delivery, and to express any reservations on the delivery note before signing. In the event of reservations, even if they are indicated clearly, precisely and completely, they must be confirmed in writing by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Carrier within three days of delivery, in accordance with Article L 133-3 of the French Commercial Code. It is only under these conditions that Albert Bichot will be able to take into account the complaint and deal with any shortcomings. Albert Bichot accepts no liability for indirect damage of any kind whatsoever. Albert Bichot may not be held liable after the Buyer has taken delivery of the goods in the event of defects in the goods attributable to poor storage conditions.
The online sale of products presented on the www.hospices-beaune.com website is reserved for Buyers wishing to make deliveries in Metropolitan France. Deliveries are possible to other countries with specific conditions, on quotation after acceptance and payment of the order.
Albert Bichot draws the attention of consumers to the fact that they benefit from a right of withdrawal for each order they place with it. In accordance with article L.121-21 of the French Consumer Code, consumers have a period of fourteen clear days to exercise this right of withdrawal without having to justify their decision. This period of fourteen clear days begins to run on receipt of the items ordered. If this period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it will be extended to the next working day. This right of withdrawal must be exercised by sending an unambiguous declaration by registered mail to Albert Bichot before the end of the withdrawal period. Upon receipt of the registered letter by Albert Bichot, the consumer has a period of fourteen days to return the items received. In this case, the consumer bears the cost of returning the goods. Pursuant to Article L.121-21-4 of the French Consumer Code, once Albert Bichot has received such a letter, it must reimburse the consumer in question without delay, and at the latest within fourteen days of receipt of the items or proof of shipment of the items by the consumer. Reimbursement will be made for the value of the goods plus shipping costs limited to the sum corresponding to Albert Bichot's standard shipping method. Beyond this period, the sum due will be subject to interest at the legal rate in force if the reimbursement is made no later than ten days after the expiry of the period mentioned above, interest of 5% if the delay in reimbursement is between ten and twenty days, 10% if the delay in reimbursement is between twenty and thirty days, 20% if the delay is between thirty and sixty days, 50% between sixty and ninety days and five additional points per new month of delay up to the price of the product, then the legal interest rate.
Non-use clause to taste before buying: by the mere fact of placing an order with us, the purchaser expressly waives the benefit of Article 1587 of the French Civil Code.
All products sold on the www.hospices-beaune.com website benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity and the guarantee against hidden defects provided for by Articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code. In the event of duly recognized defect or non-conformity of a product sold, Albert Bichot will decide, within a reasonable time, either to replace it or to take it back and refund the invoiced price. All claims, requests for exchange or reimbursement must be made by post to Albert Bichot's head office within 6 months of delivery of the product in question. The Buyer must in any event keep the product available to allow Albert Bichot to check it.
Albert Bichot, in the online sales process, is only bound by an obligation of means. It cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the Internet, such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, service interruption or other unintentional problems.
Any modification of the original packaging of the products or of the wording on this packaging or these products is prohibited. All elements of the www.hospices-beaune.com website, whether visual (acronyms, logos, colors, graphics) or audio, are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents and remain the exclusive property of Albert Bichot. Any mention, use, reproduction, exploitation or redistribution of these elements, for any reason whatsoever, even partially, is prohibited. The Buyer who has a personal Internet site may place on his site, for personal use, a simple link referring directly to the home page of the site www.hospices-beaune.com, provided that he has first obtained the express authorization of Albert Bichot. This does not constitute an implicit affiliation agreement. On the other hand, any hypertext link to the www.hospices-beaune.com site using the "framing" or "deep linking" technique is strictly prohibited. In all cases, any link, even if expressly authorized, must be removed on simple request from Albert Bichot.
Personal data relating to Buyers is processed automatically. The nominative data communicated by Buyers or collected via the operation of the hospices-beaune.com site is intended to ensure the successful completion of deliveries, to improve the quality of service and to better meet Customer expectations. Purchasers consent to the use of this data by Albert Bichot, in particular to send them information about promotional offers that may be of interest to them. Maison Albert BICHOT lists all personal data processing in a register as and when it is implemented. This list is made available to any person who requests it.
Maison Albert BICHOT ensures that the rights of individuals are respected (right of access, rectification and opposition, etc.). In the event of difficulties encountered in exercising these rights, the persons concerned should contact the RGPD group by e-mail: rgpd@albert-bichot.com.
All the data provided at the time of the order and the confirmation recorded on the www.hospices-beaune.com constitute proof of the commercial transactions carried out between the parties.
If, at the time of a previous order, the purchaser has shirked any of his obligations, he may be refused sale, unless he provides satisfactory guarantees or cash payment.
Penalties for late payment: unless postponement is requested in good time and granted by us, in accordance with article L 441-6 of the French Commercial Code, late payment penalties are due in the event of non-payment on the day following the payment date shown on the invoice. The interest rate of these penalties is equal to 3 times the legal interest rate with a minimum of 100 Euros as a fixed penalty clause. Payment of sums due after the due date shown on invoices will automatically be increased by a flat-rate penalty of €40 as provided for in article L144-6 paragraph 12 of the French Commercial Code.
Albert Bichot (the seller) reserves ownership of the goods until full payment of their price in principal and interest. In the event of non-payment of the price on the agreed due date, the seller may repossess the goods, the sale will be cancelled by operation of law if the seller sees fit, and any advance payments made will be retained by the seller in consideration of the buyer's enjoyment of the goods. The risks shall be borne by the purchaser as soon as the goods are physically handed over.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by French law. In the event of any dispute or litigation of any nature whatsoever, the Courts of Albert Bichot's registered office shall have jurisdiction.
For any questions, you can contact us on the contact page of the online store using the form: http://hospices-beaune.com/en/contact/