Shipping costs, terms and conditions
General terms and conditions for wines sold en primeur
Wines sold en primeur are delivered in autumn N+2 for a vintage of year N (autumn 2026 for a wine of vintage 2024). We will ask you for your choice (delivery in your country or pick-up in Beaune) in January N+2, at the same time as the VAT payment request (if applicable), and will reconfirm it one last time just before delivery. Any order placed through our online store implies explicit acceptance of our delivery conditions and costs.
Shipping costs for en primeur wines from vintage 2024 in EU countries
(Hospices de Beaune, Hospices de Nuits and Albert Bichot wines)
As soon as the wines have been made available by Albert Bichot, the Customer has a period of four (4) months in which to request delivery at his own expense according to the schedule indicated above, or to collect the wines ordered free of charge from Albert Bichot's winery in Beaune. After this period, Albert Bichot may invoice the customer for storage costs. In the event of failure to collect the wines within the time limit set, Albert Bichot will apply the provisions of the French Civil Code, according to which the contract is automatically cancelled. Similarly, once the deadline has passed, Albert Bichot is not bound by any obligation to preserve the wines: it is therefore not liable for any deterioration.
Here are the shipping costs associated to deliveries in the following EU countries : Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlandes, Monaco, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Sweden, Portugal and Switzerland. See below if your country is not in this list

Free pick-up in Beaune at our logistics center
You have the option of picking up your order in Beaune, free of charge or discount, on appointment only from Monday to Friday. In this case, you will not have to pay any shipping costs. You will only be able to collect wines for which the invoice has been paid in full (amount exclusive of tax and VAT at the rate in force on the day of collection)
Delivery to other countries or regions (USA, Asia...): contact us for a bespoke quote and solution
We do have an easy solution for shipping to the USA ! Please see this page.
If your country is not listed above, please contact us before the auction or as soon as possible after your purchase to discuss a shipping solution. Please note that in some countries it is impossible to ship wine to non-professionals. We will do our best to find a solution.