Acquéreur : Peter Smith Hospices de Beaune

Video: vinifications of Hospices de Beaune 2020 by Ludivine Griveau, winemaker

Vintage 2020 vinifications report...or how to preserve freshness in a very solar year...

September 15, 2020. Just 2 months to go before the 160th Hospices de Beaune auction. I was happy to interview Hospices de Beaune winemaker Ludivine Griveau about how she managed the vinifications of this singular 2020 vintage.

Through longer than usual cold pre-fermentation macerations, she tried to bring and keep the freshness of this warm year. The result is already promising as one could say from the beautiful aromas of fresh Pinot Noir that one could smell in the Hospices winery.

2020: a promising and the earliest vintage ever at the Hospices de Beaune estate

Harvested between 19 and 29th August, the 2020 is the earliest ever. Listen to Ludivine Griveau remember the key moments of the vegetative cycle in this interview done on the last day of harvest

160th Hospices de Beaune wine auction (15th November 2020) -register now!

If you want to take part to this amazing experience, buying en primeur "great wines for a great cause", let #1 buyer Albert Bichot guide you.